Author: Brett Wilbur
Dating back to the 1680's, cases of anorexia and bulimia have been recorded. Eating disorders were recognized and the first formal medical condition of anorexia was diagnosed in London by Dr. Richard Morton. Unfortunately, many women in today society suffer from eating disorders in order to maintain a certain body image. Different from the 1900's when Rubenesque women were considered beautiful regardless of the different body shape and size. The rubenesque figure was considered the ideal body image and a volumptuous woman's body was considered a sign of good health. In today's society, the rubenesque woman would be considered to be suffering from obesity. The article by Brett Wilbur, "Talking about body image is good...really believing it is hard", describes how the idea of what woman's body should look like has changed throughout history. The time line below include some examples of how woman's body image have changed from decade to decade.

Author: Jill S. Zimmerman
Dating back to the August 1905 Ladies Home Journal, the average measure was (38-27-45). The Gibson Girl of this era, made famous by the paintings of Charles Dana Gibson, replaced the full feminine figure of the 1800s. This figure’s was a slimmer and more athletic Gibson Girl. However, in today’s standards the Gibson Girl would be considered chucky. The Gibson Girl was considered the image of beauty until WWI. The Flapper Girl then became the new image of beauty. In the early 1900's, our culture saw a shift from a plump voluptuous female form to a thinner frame with less curves. The new female ideal of the 1920's was named "The Flapper" whom were thin, had a natural shape waistline, and were represented by Progressive Era women. People began to diet and sports became a popular pastime. Exercising began to be viewed as a healthy activity to enhance the body. Commercial advertisements began to portray what an ideal female body image should look like. The look of the late 1920's was termed "the new slender look" and it began with the fashion designers of that time. The new image for females was far different then the ideal woman from only twenty years earlier. Attention was drawn away from curves (bust and hips) and to a more toned-down look. The look was flat-chested with narrow hips and waist. In the 1920s, woman's anxieties skyrocketed, especially since the perfect flapper's body was small, slim, and flat. Fad diets were in, self-induced vomiting, and laxative abuse were becoming much more common. Advertisers took advantage of woman's insecurities about themselves to talk about weight-loss equipment, fad diets, and much more. The message was that if a woman slims down they would be beautiful and happy.

1940s In the 1940s, women became voluptuous and curvaceous. The 1940's brought another change to the ideal female




In the 1980s, the prevailing look among top fashion models not only remained ultra-thin, but it became increasingly anorexic in the last decades of the century. By the late 1980s, the average model looked like a waif and weighed 23 percent less than the average American woman. During the 1980s and 1990s, eating disorders were widely discussed, but they were primarily associated with white, middle-class, and educated girls and young women. Although there was some evidence linking eating disorders with depression and with a history of sexual abuse, these disorders were often associated with high-achieving and driven personalities. Rates of eating disorders appeared to be lower among women of color. To some extent this reflected the different standards of beauty and ideal body types between white women and women of color. Health advocates in the 1980s and 1990s pointed out that non-white women’s experiences with discrimination and abuse based on their race and sex were important, but neglected, contributors to disordered eating habits among women of color. Thus, the prevalence of eating disorders among diverse populations of women may have been underestimated.
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