(February 1996)
"Mind and Body Fitness for the Women"
This year was geared for women who love to work out and care highly about fitness and nutrition. March caught readers attention by adding success stories of women who changed their lives through healthful habit, as well as information about a variety of different workouts. Women doing exercise's correctly and more effective were the biggest issue's that the magazine covered. The editorial advisory board includes 28 of the most well-respected medical and health care professionals in the country. March 1996 Shape Magazine features an excellent article on Metabolism and how to boost it! Also, articles on MSG, warning sign of a bad diet, hot new cardio machines to hit the gym, and much more.
Do It Right: Bone up on your shoulder training.
Training Edge: Tracking your target heart rate: with a little help from a machine.
One on One: Trainer Jon Giese shows you three super efficient abdominal moves.
Get Fired Up: Forget the hype. Here's our special report on the truth about metabolism and a workout to help boost yours.
Cardio Nation: Sick of stairclimbing? Check out the hottest new cardio machines to hit the gym. Find out what they do and how to use them.
Diet and Nutrition
Nutrition: M-S-G. These three letters have inspired fear and loathing in the heats of women (and men) for year. Find out the truth about this additive.
Recipe Makeover: Creamy chicken casserole.
Warning Sign of a Bad Diet: Is you hair dry? Nails brittle? Feeling groggy? Maybe it's your diet. Here's how to diagnose your diet and remedy some common nutritional deficiencies.
Mind?Body Health
In Shape: What's new, what's hot in health & fitness: good news for early risers, high tech Pap tests, antibiotics warning.
Health: Asthma demystifies
Success Stories: Three women celebrate their fitness triumphs
Panic Attack: The News on the most common mental disorder
"Mind and Body Fitness for the Women"
This year was geared for women who love to work out and care highly about fitness and nutrition. March caught readers attention by adding success stories of women who changed their lives through healthful habit, as well as information about a variety of different workouts. Women doing exercise's correctly and more effective were the biggest issue's that the magazine covered. The editorial advisory board includes 28 of the most well-respected medical and health care professionals in the country. March 1996 Shape Magazine features an excellent article on Metabolism and how to boost it! Also, articles on MSG, warning sign of a bad diet, hot new cardio machines to hit the gym, and much more.
Do It Right: Bone up on your shoulder training.
Training Edge: Tracking your target heart rate: with a little help from a machine.
One on One: Trainer Jon Giese shows you three super efficient abdominal moves.
Get Fired Up: Forget the hype. Here's our special report on the truth about metabolism and a workout to help boost yours.
Cardio Nation: Sick of stairclimbing? Check out the hottest new cardio machines to hit the gym. Find out what they do and how to use them.
Diet and Nutrition
Nutrition: M-S-G. These three letters have inspired fear and loathing in the heats of women (and men) for year. Find out the truth about this additive.
Recipe Makeover: Creamy chicken casserole.
Warning Sign of a Bad Diet: Is you hair dry? Nails brittle? Feeling groggy? Maybe it's your diet. Here's how to diagnose your diet and remedy some common nutritional deficiencies.
Mind?Body Health
In Shape: What's new, what's hot in health & fitness: good news for early risers, high tech Pap tests, antibiotics warning.
Health: Asthma demystifies
Success Stories: Three women celebrate their fitness triumphs
Panic Attack: The News on the most common mental disorder
(March 1997)
Do it right! A great tush toner.
Rut Buster: Tricks to make your old workout feel brand new.
Fitness Front Line: Exercisers sleep better. Here is the evidence.
One on One: Simple, effective moves for your triceps.
The plateau Blaster: Want to lift more weight? Do more reps? We've got a serious technique to boost your workout performance to the next level.
Floorplay: A creative way to warm up to exercise.
Diet & Nutrition:
Recipe Makeover: A sweet Valentine treat.
Shopping Smart: Rating low fat candy bars.
The Team Up Diet: Don't let your honey pull you off the healthy eating bandwagon. Our plan (complete with recipes) will help the two of you shape up... together.
Mind / Body Health:
In Shape: What's new, what's hot in health and fitness: Who gets mammograms? ... sexy birth control... poetic therapy...
Health: That burning sensation in your chest could be more than last night's spicy dinner.
Inner Shape: Why pets are good for your health.
Weight Loss Q&A: Answers to your most pressing weight loss questions: laxative abuse... the best cooking oil...
Success Stories: Christina Jackson, Karen Schrier Paris, Lesa Cline
Agonies and the Ecstasies: Sometimes it's good for you to feel bad. Here's why.

Do it right! A great tush toner.
Rut Buster: Tricks to make your old workout feel brand new.
Fitness Front Line: Exercisers sleep better. Here is the evidence.
One on One: Simple, effective moves for your triceps.
The plateau Blaster: Want to lift more weight? Do more reps? We've got a serious technique to boost your workout performance to the next level.
Floorplay: A creative way to warm up to exercise.
Diet & Nutrition:
Recipe Makeover: A sweet Valentine treat.
Shopping Smart: Rating low fat candy bars.
The Team Up Diet: Don't let your honey pull you off the healthy eating bandwagon. Our plan (complete with recipes) will help the two of you shape up... together.
Mind / Body Health:
In Shape: What's new, what's hot in health and fitness: Who gets mammograms? ... sexy birth control... poetic therapy...
Health: That burning sensation in your chest could be more than last night's spicy dinner.
Inner Shape: Why pets are good for your health.
Weight Loss Q&A: Answers to your most pressing weight loss questions: laxative abuse... the best cooking oil...
Success Stories: Christina Jackson, Karen Schrier Paris, Lesa Cline
Agonies and the Ecstasies: Sometimes it's good for you to feel bad. Here's why.
(April 1998)
Special Section: Spring Leaning 
A FAREWELL TO FLABBY ARMSThey told me boot camp would be six weeks of body busting, mind bending torture. My only question: Where do I sign up?
BEYOND BASIC TRAININGArmy inspired drills for the toughest workout you'll ever love.
KICK BUTT MEAL PLANA 21 day diet of lean, mean power foods to fuel all your hard work.
DO IT RIGHTThe new jumping jack
RUT BUSTERThe irresistible beat of ethnic dance
FITNESS FRONTLINECan you outsmart your fat cells?
ONE ON ONEThree moves for the chest of your dreams.
TARGET PRACTICENone 'on the mark' moves to tone your abs, butt and thighs.
Mind / Body / Health:
IN SHAPEWhat's new, what's hot in health and fitness: role of genetics in training ... help for postoperative pain ... putting an end to acne ... and more.
INNER SHAPEWhy there's more to your reflection than meets the eye.
HEALTHAllergy relief for the sneezing season
WEIGHT LOSS Q&AYour most pressing questions answered.
SUCCESS STORIESHow fitness changed the lives of Allison Romanycia, Tara Getchonis and Elizabeth Elmore.
WINNING AT LOSINGEight women who've lost weight share their secrets for getting - and staying - motivated.
WITH HEARTACHE COMES HOPEThe latest treatments for recurrent miscarriages offer couples new optimism.

A FAREWELL TO FLABBY ARMSThey told me boot camp would be six weeks of body busting, mind bending torture. My only question: Where do I sign up?
BEYOND BASIC TRAININGArmy inspired drills for the toughest workout you'll ever love.
KICK BUTT MEAL PLANA 21 day diet of lean, mean power foods to fuel all your hard work.
DO IT RIGHTThe new jumping jack
RUT BUSTERThe irresistible beat of ethnic dance
FITNESS FRONTLINECan you outsmart your fat cells?
ONE ON ONEThree moves for the chest of your dreams.
TARGET PRACTICENone 'on the mark' moves to tone your abs, butt and thighs.
Mind / Body / Health:
IN SHAPEWhat's new, what's hot in health and fitness: role of genetics in training ... help for postoperative pain ... putting an end to acne ... and more.
INNER SHAPEWhy there's more to your reflection than meets the eye.
HEALTHAllergy relief for the sneezing season
WEIGHT LOSS Q&AYour most pressing questions answered.
SUCCESS STORIESHow fitness changed the lives of Allison Romanycia, Tara Getchonis and Elizabeth Elmore.
WINNING AT LOSINGEight women who've lost weight share their secrets for getting - and staying - motivated.
WITH HEARTACHE COMES HOPEThe latest treatments for recurrent miscarriages offer couples new optimism.
(June 1999)
DO IT RIGHTA simple move for stronger biceps.
RUT BUSTERWant to boost your fitness and self confidence? Train for a triathalon.
ONE ON ONEThree moves for sleek, sexy things.
SUMMER GAMESLife is not a spectator sport. Jump in with this exercise plan that gets you ready for anything.
ARMS RACETank top season is coming: Get your arms in Angela Bassett shape with one great machine.
Mind / Body / Health:
IN SHAPE: Yoga 101, Skin Smoothies, Anger and your health
INNER SHAPENature's link to health.
TIME OUTA self described 'Everywoman' enters a triathlon.
Bulimia and pregnancy
How long it takes to lose 20 pounds
And much more…
SUCCESS STORIESThe fitness success of Lisa Walters, Christy Walker and Mary F. Oves.
BODY LANGUAGESurvey says: You have a better body image than most women, and other great news.
Diet & Nutrition:
RECIPE MAKEOVERNo guilt chicken linguine.
NUTRITIONIt is the era of supersizing: we will show you how to avoid drive through dietary disasters.
PACK AND GOShape Cooks Special Section: Six sensational recipes created to delight a day hiker's palate.
BALANCING ACTFat's back: How to lose weight eating what you want (in moderation, of course).
DO IT RIGHTA simple move for stronger biceps.
RUT BUSTERWant to boost your fitness and self confidence? Train for a triathalon.

ONE ON ONEThree moves for sleek, sexy things.
SUMMER GAMESLife is not a spectator sport. Jump in with this exercise plan that gets you ready for anything.
ARMS RACETank top season is coming: Get your arms in Angela Bassett shape with one great machine.
Mind / Body / Health:
IN SHAPE: Yoga 101, Skin Smoothies, Anger and your health
INNER SHAPENature's link to health.
TIME OUTA self described 'Everywoman' enters a triathlon.
Bulimia and pregnancy
How long it takes to lose 20 pounds
And much more…
SUCCESS STORIESThe fitness success of Lisa Walters, Christy Walker and Mary F. Oves.
BODY LANGUAGESurvey says: You have a better body image than most women, and other great news.
Diet & Nutrition:
RECIPE MAKEOVERNo guilt chicken linguine.
NUTRITIONIt is the era of supersizing: we will show you how to avoid drive through dietary disasters.
PACK AND GOShape Cooks Special Section: Six sensational recipes created to delight a day hiker's palate.
BALANCING ACTFat's back: How to lose weight eating what you want (in moderation, of course).
(July 2000)
Get Fit
IN THE GYM WITH GARCELLE BEAUVAISHow the busy co-star of "The Jamie Foxx Show"
Get Fit
IN THE GYM WITH GARCELLE BEAUVAISHow the busy co-star of "The Jamie Foxx Show" stays in shape for acting and motherhood.

ONE ON ONEVary the weights for your sexiest shoulders.
WEIGHT LOSS Q&AHow to eat after a crash diet… why eating breakfast makes you hungrier… hiding food: guilt or disorder?… and more…
WEIGHT LOSS DIARYHow to get back on track after regaining weight.
SUCCESS STORIESAfter leaving her husband, one woman makes her health, well being (and weight) a priority; a tough look at wedding photos jump starts a fitness quest; and a big boned girl becomes an athletic woman.
JUST OUTA fitness high Down Under: Bridge climbing in Sydney Harbour.
Eat Right
FAST FOOD: BEAN STOCKFour cool, open a can recipes.
RECIPE MAKEOVERA light summer treat: low fat lemonade mousse.
NUTRITIONThe downside of variety: when too many choices can make you fat.
SHOPPING SMARTLow fat ice creams: our picks that melt in your mouth.
Think Healthy
NEW MEDICINE FRONTMore options in contraception, find better supplements and more.
IN SHAPEHow to beat food addiction, new ways to pump up your yoga, fitness bargains on the Web and more.
stays in shape for acting and motherhood.
ONE ON ONEVary the weights for your sexiest shoulders.
WEIGHT LOSS Q&AHow to eat after a crash diet… why eating breakfast makes you hungrier… hiding food: guilt or disorder?… and more…
WEIGHT LOSS DIARYHow to get back on track after regaining weight.
SUCCESS STORIESAfter leaving her husband, one woman makes her health, well being (and weight) a priority; a tough look at wedding photos jump starts a fitness quest; and a big boned girl becomes an athletic woman.
JUST OUTA fitness high Down Under: Bridge climbing in Sydney Harbour.
Eat Right
FAST FOOD: BEAN STOCKFour cool, open a can recipes.
RECIPE MAKEOVERA light summer treat: low fat lemonade mousse.
NUTRITIONThe downside of variety: when too many choices can make you fat.
SHOPPING SMARTLow fat ice creams: our picks that melt in your mouth.
Think Healthy
NEW MEDICINE FRONTMore options in contraception, find better supplements and more.
IN SHAPEHow to beat food addiction, new ways to pump up your yoga, fitness bargains on the Web and more.
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